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  • Lorraine Johnson

[46] And I Will See You Tomorrow

The bird arrives—just at the right time

alone but full, as the murmurs of the earth urges—

this way, that way.

You, unknowing, standing tall

the courage of the bird

and flock behind you.

The you of many threads,

was and is and will be.

Silent the mind

Listen to the whispers

For the roots are planted—

deep and long as the forest grows and falls

Traces—lie deep—permanent

in the underbelly of this breathing earth

on the bed of soil that you laid down

with love, intention,

presence and eternity.

And the secret of the murmur

lies in today, your beautiful day

of loving eyes remembered

warm embraces felt

and the bird—never far

whispering over and over,

the secret of the murmur lies in today,

your beautiful day

a day that I see,

a day worth all the days before.

The day that I see you as I always have

through young eyes and awe.

That day is today.

And all that follow.

No matter where you are.

Breathe deeply.

The roots are holding you.

The bird is nearby—it murmurs

On the tip of the flowers that you sowed.

And I will see you tomorrow.


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