Shared humanity tethered in dark spaces
as light clings to cracks and love fades
— ever so fast
religions echo hollow tenets
in the perilous days
that become longer nights.
Nothing works without trust,
nothing learned without difference.
Divine powers full of authentic grace
dream of virtue and gentle scapes
and young eyes play free, with all,
when no one tells them otherwise.
Yet—in the dust of an elder's rage,
tears drop, swapping smiles with full stops
no lollipops on counter tops
or balls to kick under sundrops
just misguided elders
and those purporting divinity
fighting recklessly over land and faith
—for centuries, not hours, days or even years.
We teach our children to play together
from the heart—be kind,
be gentle, as a feather,
be generous, share the table
listen whole, but behold,
an older soul, need not?