[182] Behind the Rose
The wind howls in the long hours as a falling day leaves me by the open door new cold creeps into these walls with lingering sun deep in...
[182] Behind the Rose
[181] And So Can We
[180] But Still
[179] The Shape of Dust
[178] Moving Along
[177] Showing Up
[176] From My Heart
[175] Sodden
[174] The Somewhere
[173] Hope
[172] Being
[171] Knowing How
[170] A Perfect Bloom
[169] The Nectar
[168] Clings To Cracks
[167] Take Hold
[166] Amble Through
[165] It Softly Speaks
[164] In The Small
[163] Yet To Come
[162] But A Dream
[161] Opening Walls
[160] Always, Home
[159] The Sweet Glow